Je Pense à Toi – The Brooch


This winter season will be more solitary,
but we’ll be thinking of each other.

Send someone a little thought,
A little token of friendship, of gratitude,
of warmth and love.

A precious flower,
for them to wear.

‘Je pense a toi’ / ‘I think of you’
An old tradition of flower-gifting
in the form of a jewel,
rethought by Aurore Brard and Julia Bocanet.



When purchasing this product you make a preorder, which will be delivered for Christmas. You can preorder until the 7th of December.


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The purest form. A simple flower with a pointed tip, to wear on the chest.
Delicate and enchanting.

Delivered to you with a silver closure.

Click here to read more about this collection.




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