Je Pense à Toi – The Ring


Send someone a little thought,
A little token of friendship, of gratitude,
of warmth and love.

A precious flower,
for them to wear.

“Je pense à toi”, “I think of you”.
An old tradition of flower-gifting
in the form of a jewel,
rethought by Aurore Brard and Julia Bocanet.


A flower curling into an embrace around your finger.
Adjustable in size and wonderful to combine.

Available in short and long stem length for all sizes.

Click here to read more about this collection.


LesMatinsLumiere JuliaBocanet JePenseAToi Ring Pom

LesMatinsLumiere JuliaBocanet JePenseAToi Ring Hand

LesMatinsLumiere JuliaBocanet Je pense a toi Ring02 scaled

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